The second day of our three day journey across the country at the badlands South Dakota. Andee was an angel the entire three days.
At the Hoh Rainforest near the coast of Washington. It was extremely hot and dry for a rainforest but very beautiful.
Downtown Tacoma with Mount Rainier in the background. That mountain is so pretty and HUGE!
We headed out to the beach a couple of times. These pictures were at a beach near Forks. The entire beach was black round pebbles. I had never been to a beach that didn't have any sand before. The sound of the waves on the pebbles was really cool. The waves were huge and even though I was cold we loved that beach!Andee was scared of the waves.
To end our month in Tacoma Andee thought it would be nice to poop on the floor and have me step in it right after she got out of the tub. Adam's flip flop suffered some poop smear as well. So I had her sit next to her little present and show how proud she was of her little log.
We stayed with Adam's Uncle Roger and Aunt Judy for the month. I had never met them before we went there. It was nice that I finally met them and we had so much fun. Adam's cousin Heather and her husband Jay were staying there also and there was always family around so I had someone to hang out with everyday while Adam was working long hours. They were all soo nice! They made us feel right at home and we were sad to leave, especially because we don't know how long it will be until the next time we see them.Andee with Adam's cousin Terri and Andee's second cousin Sawyer.
Adam's Uncle Douglas (and cousin Kenny in background), he hadn't seen his uncle in years.
Andee's cousin and friend Quinn. They played together almost everyday.
We took a day trip to the Oregon coast with Heather, Jay and baby Gwen. We saw the Tillamook cheese factory, the octopus tree, a light house, and visited the beaches Oceanside and one near Pacific city. I was in heaven because alot of these were places I used to visit when I was a kid.
Heather, Jay, baby Gwen, Andee, Adam and Me at Oceanside.
Here we are in the cave headed over to the SECOND beach.
It was cold and windy as it always is on the coast it seems.
Next we headed to Pacific city to see a sand dune that Heather said was huge. We were expecting something the size of a house but no, it's that mountain behind us.
Adam and Andee climbing up the dune.
Heading up. I had to take a lot of breaks.
Gwen and Jay
Heather, Jay and Gwen at the top of the HUGE dune. It was tiring but fun! They entertained us the whole time. We had tons of fun with them!
Uncle Roger and Aunt Judy. Thanks so much! We cannot thank you enough! Hope to see you soon!
Andee at Multnomah falls striking a pose.
The Family at the Falls. There are so many more pictures but I really need to end this post. It is really long. We had a lot of fun! We hope to see everyone and go to Portland again soon! Thanks for everything!
Wow, you guys did so much! It looks like you had a great time. Do you have a favorite place you want to end up? I love the picture of Andee on the giant log :) We miss you guys. Hope things are going well.
Yeah for updates! Looks like you guys had tons of fun. I wish we were at that point in our schooling. I can't believe how big Andee is and how grown up she looks! So cute!
Yeah for new pictures! I was excited to find a new post from you guys! Fun times! Hope you're all doing well (and feeling great). We miss you guys, and can't wait to see you again. Andee is getting so big.....she's just so cute!
Fun pictures! SO glad to hear you guys made it back safely. We loved having you guys here and it's been a little lonely all week without you and Andee to play with during the day :( But glad you're home and back into routine. Lets plan this Arnell reunion okay. Give Andee a hug from Gwen. and one to Adam from Jay :) Take care, Heather guys have been traveling and working hard! Where do you want to end up?? I know your first choice is IL, but where after that??? haha
I LOVE the picture of Andee hanging on the railing at the Falls. CUTE! Glad you guys are back!
By the way, Daphne JUST pooped on my carpet yesterday. It was the first time I had to deal with an actual log on the floor. What an adventure!
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