The weather has been great and hot! The kids love playing outside with the hose and in the mud. Sometimes I give in and let them get as dirty as they want. This is Brock covered with mud and loving it.

My parents, Kara and Koree came out to visit for a few days. It was a lot of fun to have them here. We did all the Chicago things. They wanted to come visit before Karson moved home. Kourtney and Dustin came out for a few days too. They drove one of Karson's cars home for him. I don't know why I didn't get any pictures of them. It was fun and it ended too soon!

Then Karson and family moved home to Idaho. I cried, like always.

Adam and I had our 6-year wedding anniversary. We had a sitter so we headed downtown. There is a restaurant at the top of the Hancock building that I have been wanting to go have dessert at for a few years now. So...we headed up there. It was really fun. I can't believe how the time is flying by.

Andee started swim lessons. She hates putting her face in the water. Maybe I am rubbing off on her too much. She loves to swim around with her floaties. She could be in the pool all day if we'd let her. This is her jumping with excitement for swim class. She had the floaties on the first couple days and now they are off.
Last but definitely not least Adam is done with being on CALL for residency. Woo HOOOOO!