After I took the boards on Wednesday I didn't have clinic until the next Tuesday so we decided to take our first family road trip. We left our house on Thursday morning at 5 am so we could miss the crazy Chicago rush hour traffic. We headed off to Ann Arbor Michigan to visit my cousin Lane his wife Julie and their three girls. We visited for a couple hours then we were off to Canada. We visited with a lady I baptized on my mission. We stayed there for a few hours then we stayed in our hotel at Niagra Falls Ontario. On Friday we spent the whole day visiting the sites in Palmyra and at the end of the day we watched the Hill Cumorah pageant. On Saturday we checked out the Falls and drove around some of the areas I served in my mission. The last leg of our trip we stayed with our friends in Cleveland, Brett and Eryn Lancaster. We headed home Monday morning and made it without any troubles at all. It was a fun get away and Andee was really patient with us and the long stretches of being in her car seat.

Cheryl Bernardo, Andee, and myself. I baptized Cheryl while on my mission.

Krista in the sacred grove. If you've never been in the sacred grove I highly recommend it.

Some of the performers in the Hill Cumorah pageant.

The American Falls and Horse Shoe falls. We were limited to what we could do since Andee was tired and hungry.

Brett, Andee and I at lake Erie.

Andee wasn't too happy about getting wet, and she wasn't to happy with the lady in the next picture either.

Playing Cribbage with Eryn and Brett. The boys took care of business.

Andee really liked Eryn. She even wanted to dress like her.
If you would have come 1 more hour south of Cleveland Ben would have taken you to the Football Hall of Fame.
It looks like you had a fun trip!
This is just Josie saying hi. It's so awesome that you and Lane live not far from each other. Sounds like there are quite a few Bear Lakers living in that direction. Its good to see you here. Come say hi to us grovers if you get the chance.
Think about this.
If you really did find a working formula that made you, say $1,000 a week online on average and it kept producing income no matter what, would you want to sell that idea to a bunch of noobs for $47 a pop and expect to retire on the proceeds? No way, man! It does not compute. It does not add up. And it does not make any sense to do that. I certainly don’t go shouting from the rooftops how I make my money online. Hell, I don’t want the competition taking a slice of my pie and neither would anyone who really does make good cash online.
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